Come join me in my quest to live a happier more frugal way of life, while enjoying the more traditional family values.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A really really bad weekend

I,m not sure how it started but I used up all available cash on the weekend as well as using $150.00 of my savings, so my jars are empty my bank account is depleted, and my self worth has now sunk into a bit of a depression. I took my Hubby out last night for a posh meal and some cocktails, as he is not in the least bit interested in my budget or in budgeting himself he accepted my invitation to go out without a second thought.

I am an idiot I know it and after reading through all of my favourite blogs this morning I am hoping that all you truly inspirational Women will put me back on track.

So thankyou for the last hours Educational reading, I have laughed cried and hopefully learned something to lead me to the next stage.
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  1. It's really hard to stay on track when the other half isn't supportive. I had to get a bit selfish about the money and the budgeting...knowing I was doing it for the whole family and not just me. Take a good long walk. refocus. come up with some baby steps for the week and go from there.

  2. Thanks Jolie I am sitting down and working out some babysteps, will post them later

  3. Don't despair, Maureen. It was one week end. Now just brush yourself off, and take a new look at the week. Look through your cabinets and your fridge and eat from there this week. (I'm trying to take my own advice since I indulged in my dress this weekend!)
    I have faith that you will find a way. I hope dinner was at least fabulous, so you will have a wonderful memory! :)

  4. I've started putting the money away as soon as I get it and then I don't have it anymore -- it helps


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