Come join me in my quest to live a happier more frugal way of life, while enjoying the more traditional family values.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Payday, No. 3 for July

I wish I could call this a no spend day and save it all but as usual it,s bill, debt, grocery, jars and save day.

I am still on a reduced wage as I am being paid by Workcover Australia and they only cover 85% of your wages, but for some reason which I hav,nt been able to figure out yet I have ended up with more this week than last and definitely more than I expected, so I will put the difference away in another account just in case there has been a mistake and they ask for it back, or else they take it off next weeks wage.

Incomings $540.00

Outgoings $440.00

I hav,nt done a complete breakdown as yet but I,m way over budget as I bought some lanterns from Ebay which I,ll use to decorate the backyard for my Daughters Wedding and I also spent money on my Granddaughter,s 8th Birthday present, which I had not added into my budget. So all up another dismal failure at budgeting, plus my tax cheque has,nt arrived as yet HURRY UP CHEQUE as I had budgeted these things I am buying, into that money. I also invested $85.00 into starting up a sideline business for myself, not sure at this stage if it will come off, and I,m not sure if I want to share it at the moment. I,ll wait and see
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  1. Don't be so hard on yourself. It will all come together.

  2. I echo LeighAnn. You are just beginning this crazy thing called budget and it will take awhile before you figure out how much each category needs. I 'tried' budgeting for several years before my A HA!! moment. I laugh out loud when I think of how unrealistic those budgets were. No wonder I failed.

    Have you tried writing everythign down for a month? I used to scoff at that. Said 'pffft I know where I'm spending my money' and then I did it and couldn't believe what I had learned.

  3. Jolie not only do I make up a Monthly budget, but I break it down into weekly amounts and then write everything down by hand into my red accounts book. So I know to the exact cent where my money is going.

    And I still overspend, so I really need to see where I am going wrong and fix it, and like you say that could take a few tries to get right.


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