Come join me in my quest to live a happier more frugal way of life, while enjoying the more traditional family values.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Organised Me / Mothers Day

My Recipe Organiser

While out Grocery shopping in Aldi on Friday I bought myself this cute little recipe box, I don't know how often I have sat at this Computer and written recipes down on scraps of paper only to lose them, so now I have put this little box on top of my Computer Tower. As you can see I have also added my cleaning recipes as I hav'nt learned them off by heart as yet. The box was heavily reduced and I just know it is going to be worth it's weight in gold. In fact it could become a family heirloom. LOL
So keep those excellent money saving recipes coming bloggers, because now I'm ready for you.

Mothers Day in Oz

Today is Mother's Day in Australia and so I would just like to wish all Mother's and Grandmothers everywhere a special day.
Unfortunately I was unable to catch up with my Mum as she lives so far away but I rang her this morning and we had a cosy girly chat. I had sent her flowers and a a card which she loved.  My MIL spent most of the day out with her Daughter while we spent most of the day with our Daughter and her family, starting with breakfast and a walk round The Markets. Unfortunately with our new Grandson's birth only days away we only spoke with my Son and his wife by phone, as the drive would have been to much for them. So a lovely day one which I will treasure.


  1. How lovely...a new grandchild for Mother's Day :)

    Love the recipe box...We still have a few recipes from my Great-Great Grandmother (Christmas Pudding is one, made every year) so treasured!

  2. My Daughter haas fallen heir to my mum's recipe book. But she is going through it page by page and when she is finished we should all get a copy. It was geting quite worn and was in danger of being thrown in the bin, so now it will go on for ever....


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